Category Archives: OpenCraftBeer

Back In Business

So, after a hiatus of a year and a bit, OpenCraftBeer is back and open for business once again.   While I haven’t been posting reviews for this past year, I have been writing them, so there is quite a backlog to get through, and plenty more still yet to be written.   So, crack open a tasty brew and enjoy what we have to come.

Dogfish Head SeaQuench Ale


This is a bit of a special review for me. Specifically, it’s the 400th beer review I’ve done for over the last 7 or so years. I had a couple of goals when I started reviewing beers for the site. The first was simply that I wanted something that would motivate me to continually keep looking for new beers to try and enjoy, expanding my horizons and my taste buds instead of lazily falling back on the same few known quantities. Inside of the broader goal, I also had a more specific goal, which was to try to review as many beers as I could get my hands on from one of my favorite breweries, Delaware’s Dogfish Head Craft Brewery. To that end, it’s a fitting bit of fate that my 400th review also happens to be my 40th Dogfish Head beer review.

Ok, time for the review. SeaQuench Ale is a session sour from Dogfish Head, designed to be tart and brewed with lime peel, black limes and sea salt. Sours ale are particularly strongly flavored style, and an issue I often have have which session-weight beers is that they have a tendency to end up as a weak imitation of the style. This is not the case with this beer, as the flavor is full and bright. You can smell the citrus and the salt on the nose, and the middle is bursting with lime, and plenty of that beautiful Belgian sour bite. There’s a good bit of carbonation, but not too much, and as you fade to the finish, the saltiness comes back into the fore. The body is light to medium, and the alcohol is a pleasantly light 4.9% ABV. The final word on this one is that it’s a tasty, well-executed beer that I would happily drink year round.

I give it a 4.6 out of 5.

New Server!

OpenCraftBeer has a new home as of 3:00AM this morning, give or take an hour.   It’s not a drastic change like the last move; this one should be transparent.  However, these things always leave often the possibility of little details missed, or minor issues, so if you see something, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at

Samuel Smith’s Winter Welcome Ale



With Daylight Savings Time in effect, and spring officially only a few days away now, it’s time to review the last of the winter seasonals. The year, honor of the final winter seasonal review goes to Samuel Smith’s Winter Welcome Ale. This winter warmer is a malty brown ale with a nose containing toasted grain, a bit of toffee, and some slight orange, and floral notes. The middle has some apple and grape, lemon zest, and well roasted grain. The finish is the same, with a good bit of toffee coming back as it warms. Nothing spectacular here, but a fine beer with which to wish winter a fond farewell for another year.

I give it a 4.1 out of 5.

Open Craft Beer has a new home!

After more than two years on, the announcement that Posterous is shutting down at the end of next month meant it was time for Open Craft Beer to move.  I’m now hosting it privately on WordPress, and I’ve migrated all posts of the posts but unfortunately, not the comments.

The move was not unexpected, and though it’s been a lot of work it gives us far more flexibility to grow the site now that we’re not constrained by the limitations of Posterous.   There may be issues, of course, and if you come across any errors or broken links, please let me know at

Also, please continue to submit new reviews and content to

I’m really looking forward to the future for Open Craft Beer and everything that’s coming, and I hope you are too.

Best regards,


New reviews are on their way!

After taking a month off to marry, move, and take care of other sundry life details, I’ve started reviewing beers again.   I’m nearing my 100th review for the site, in fact, and I’m looking forward to once again providing my thoughts and opinions on the finest creations craft brewers have to offer.